- UAB – José Luis Briansó (SPAIN) – Head
- UT – Ülo Mander (ESTONIA)
- RBI – Bogomil Obelić (CROATIA)
- UNLu – Silvia Martinelli (ARGENTINA)
- ADRAM – Ruben Cesar Reinoso (BRAZIL)
- UNISUL/FAEPESUL – Carlos Alberto Noguera de Sá and Nancy Sousa (BRAZIL)
- UMSNH – Elia Mercedes Alonso Guzmán (MEXICO)
Standing (left to right): Carlos Alberto Sa (Brazil), Ruben Cesar Reynoso (Brazil), Joan Perelada i Ramon (Ayuntamiento del Valle de Boí, España), Jose Luis Briansó (España)
Sitting (left to right): Bogomil Obelić (Croatia), Silvia Martinelli (Argentina), Elia Mercedes Alonso Guzmán (México), Ülo Mander (Estonia)